Chithariyavar” (The Shattered) we identify the efforts by Global rulers to demolish cultures and primitive ethnic lineages by blending it in the mainstream. Even in our minds the leftovers of such deliberate efforts can be seen. A Dalith who had to undergo such mental injuries are featured in this film”Chithariyavar” his encounter to re-capture and re-install his heart which is reduced into smidgens is portrayed. This is his battle to find real identity. This film directed by Lalji George.
Viswanathan the dalith youth who is a postgraduate is finding his own ideologies in the society. His father Kumaran (Paraya Community) still earning his food by the traditional chat and Poojas.The son is not able to accept this.Viswan is a teacher in the tutorial college.Krishna kumar a high caste is the owner of the tutorial college.Reshma another high caste is also teaching in that tutorial college.Reshma is having a special affection in Viswan.But Krishna kumar wants to get Reshma’s love and inner wish to get marry her.Viswan attended an interview. It was reserved for low class communities. Even though Viswan a low class reserved candidate he does not want to get the job through reservation. Anyhow the interview board has given him a job on contract basis ie supplying frogs in the college lab. So Viswan took up the job catching frogs in the night with his two companions Sasankan and Ambi.With his thirst in writing a play and he liked to stay it in a different way.he writes the story of Ekalavyan who is a Dalith in the classic.All his efforts are going to be failed or purposely the high class is spoiling his activities. Krishnakumar has invented a software. It helps the students in the laboratory by not killing frogs and can do the practical with this software.Viswan stopped the frog catching work. His play failed and lost the money. His inferiority complex caused him to ignore the identity of his father in a second .Kumaran Parayan left the house with grief.
Viswan repenting about his past. He found his root in his soil. He follows the path of his father. He decided in safeguarding the traditions of the community.
More about actors. Sreenivasan the genius writer/script writer/actor/Director has the main and very leading role whose look itself a dalith.Kumaran Parayan Dalith father has been performed by Mundoor Krishan kutty one of the prominent writers of Kerala.Others are Maya Moushmi, Sangeetha Rajendra, Puthillam Bhasi,Divya, Bright Sam , Swati Mohan etc.
The story is written by the well known Malayalam critic and writer M.K.Harikumar and the screenplay by G.R.Indugopan.The cinematography was done by K.G Jayan one of the prominent cameraman in Malayalam films. Editing work has done by K.Rajagopal Music has been composed by Johnson..His background music is is well versed in the style with an un usual film has. Music with the visual thinking is adopted as per the music Director of the film.

എന്ത് സന്ദേശമാണ് ഈ സിനിമ മുന്നോട്ടു വയ്ക്കുന്നത്.ഇതൊരു ദളിത് വിരുദ്ധ സിനിമയാണ്.